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Exostructures Ethan Davis, Leon Duval, Yani Gao, Tristan Gong, Sanober Khan, Junho Lee, Shan Li, Shulong Ren, Hyuein Song Conflict Urbanism Center for Spatial Research

With a 56% reduction in prison population since 2000, 26 prisons in New York State have closed and more are set to be closed. Layering these closures with policies, economic and community impact, pushback, political positions, environmental concerns, as well as the decentralization of the criminal justice system, this research seeks to envision post-prison futures in the rural towns of upstate New York. It also explores the flows and transfers through the prison economy that interconnect these towns and New York City. A range of visions focus on prisons, towns or the system of mass incarceration, and consider state infrastructures- carceral, water, food, power, waste- as urban exostructures.

Access to Taxicabs for Unbanked Households: An Exploratory Analysis in New York City Juan Francisco Saldarriaga, David King Advanced Data Visualization Journal of Public Transportation

In this paper, we used multiple datasets to explore taxicab fare payments by neighborhood and examine how paid taxicab fares are associated with use of conventional banking services. There are clear spatial dimensions of the propensity of riders to pay cash, and we found that both immigrant status and being “unbanked” are strong predictors of cash transactions. These results have implications for local regulations of the for-hire vehicle industry, particularly in the context of the rapid growth of services that require credit cards to use.

Scenario Planning Workshop Million Dollar Blocks Spatial Information Design Lab

This publication documents the results of a Scenario Planning Workshop, hosted by SIDL and facilitated by the Global Business Network on September 29th, 2006. The workshop took place at the Architectural League of New York as part of the exhibit, Architecture and Justice which was on view from September through October, 2006.